519-653-2000 [email protected]

Helping Women and their Families Thrive

Call Health In Balance

(519) 653-2000

Office Location

336 Eagle St. North (Unit 209) Cambridge, ON N3H1C2

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4 Ways Acupuncture Can Help You Manage Your Stress

4 Ways Acupuncture Can Help You Manage Your Stress

With the holiday season fast approaching stress levels can run high. Who am I kidding? Stress levels for most of us run high all year round. There are many common ways to help combat stress, such as deep breathing, meditation and exercise. Yet, many people find it...

Vegan Nacho Cashew Cheese

Vegan Nacho Cashew Cheese

When I first gave up dairy, cheese was the hardest food to stop eating. I mean it's CHEESE! There are awesome vegan ice creams, milks, butters and even yogurts, but cheese is hard to recreate. This vegan nacho cashew cheese is delicious, and barely lasts the night at...