519-653-2000 [email protected]

About Me

Dr. Jennifer Hendry-Lynn is a Naturopathic Doctor located in Cambridge, Ontario.   She is passionate about health and about helping others achieve health and wellness with the team at Health in Balance.

It is her goal to provide treatments that address the problem causing the symptom(s) in your body.

Firstly, her practice has a focus in digestive health, women’s health/children’s health (perinatal/postnatal care, fertility, and hormones imbalances) and stress.  In addition, she has a strong background in autoimmune diseases, weight loss, allergies and skin disorders.


Originally from St. Catharines, Ontario, Dr. Jennifer Hendry-Lynn ND graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Sciences with First Class Honours from Brock University.  Throughout University she was an active member of the Med Plus Program, which is a four-year non-credit concurrent program for students with a passion for health care.

Furthermore, the program exposed her to a variety of careers in the healthcare and volunteer opportunities. Volunteering at the Niagara Children’s Centre (previously the Niagara Peninsula Children’s Centre) School, she worked in classrooms to help children with both communication and/or physical disabilities.

However, during her time in University she had some health issues that she could not seem to resolve with the medical system.  Therefore, she ended up seeing a local Naturopathic Doctor to help find some answers to her digestion concerns.  With her Naturopathic Doctor, they worked together to find the root cause of her discomfort. After that, she was on a new career path.

Becoming a Naturopathic Doctor…

When it was time to apply to post-graduate school, Dr. Jen ND decided to pursue a career in Naturopathic Medicine to help others like herself find the root cause of their disease.  She attended the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) Toronto, Ontario, and four-years later graduated with Honours as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine.

The four-year intensive post-university professional program focused on biomedical sciences, clinical sciences, and naturopathic therapeutics, with over 3,000 hours of classroom training. Additionally, the program also included more than 1,200 hours of clinical experience.

While at CCNM, she completed her 12-month clinical internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic. Moreover, she was also selected to be a Naturopathic intern at the L.A.M.P. Community Centre (a Naturopathic outreach clinic) for 4-months.  After completing 8-years of post-secondary education, Dr. Jennifer Hendry-Lynn ND is a primary health care provider practicing a combination of contemporary and alternative medicine.


She is a fully registered Naturopathic Doctor with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario, and an active member of both the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND).

Dr. Jen ND works with a wonderful team of practitioners at Health in Balance in Cambridge, Ontario.

At home, she is a wife and a mother to her two children, her dog Oscar, and her cat Peppa.  With her family, she enjoys cooking healthy and nutritious food, creating recipes, and being active.

You can find her active on social media, sharing her passion for healthy foods, life with food sensitivities and messages for mindful living.

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